Canadian Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (CAAP)
The Canadian Academy of Addiction Psychiatry is a new organization aimed to address the growing challenges facing the healthcare system relating to addictions and concurrent disorders. This organization is comprised of psychiatrists and related professions who engage in relevant clinical and research activities. MATRIX-N collaborates with CAAP to translate and disseminate evidence-based research, enhancing clinical practice and patient outcomes. This includes initiatives like our Clinical Trial (CT) network, which aims to develop a comprehensive inventory of clinical trial capacity and to connect multi-disciplinary professionals.

Mental Health and Addictions: DMCBH Integrated Research Program (IRP)
The Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (DMCBH) is dedicated to promoting research and innovation to enhance global understanding of brain health. As part of this commitment, DMCBH established five Integrated Research Programs (IRPs) in 2021 to foster collaboration between clinical and foundational researchers, create training opportunities, and promote team science. The Mental Health and Addictions IRP advances research on mental health and substance use, integrating clinical and foundational science to improve diagnosis, treatment, and care.

Let's Talk Overdose
The Let’s Talk Overdose conference is an annual, free, and virtual conference hosted by the UBC Addictions and Concurrent Disorders (ACD) Research Group. Since 2022, this conference has welcomed over 1,200 attendees and 60 speakers annually, featuring dynamic panel discussions, inspiring stories, and novel treatments from BC and beyond. For more details, visit the event website here.
Check out their social media, @letstalkoverdose for education, advocacy, and more.